Enhancing deliberation in land acquisition for public interest
realizing a responsive Agrarian Legal Policy grounded in justice
Deliberation, Land Acquisition, Compensation, Legal Politics, Public InterestAbstract
This research examines the implementation of deliberation in determining the form and amount of compensation in land acquisition for public purposes and the Legal Politics of Deliberation in ideal land acquisition for public development. This paper aims to understand the implementation of deliberation in determining the form and amount of compensation in land acquisition for public purposes and the efforts to optimize the Legal Politics of Deliberation in ideal land acquisition for public purposes. This research is based on the constructivist paradigm with a socio-legal approach method. The authors find that the implementation of deliberation in determining the form and amount of compensation in land acquisition is merely procedural and requires optimization of the legal politics of deliberation regarding ideal land acquisition for public purposes, conducted with caution based on Pancasila values.
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