Rethinking diversion programs in Indonesia
a critical analysis through the lens of social and cultural context
Diversion Programs, Juvenile Justice System, Pancasila Justice, Legal CultureAbstract
This research aims to critique how diversion programs have been implemented in Indonesia from the point of view of the social and cultural environment. The gathered information will be subjected to a qualitative analysis that uses inductive and deductive reasoning techniques. According to the findings, at least three aspects are deficient: legal substance, which refers to the concordance of underlying regulations and guidelines for its implementation; legal structure; and cultural factors, which play a role in its implementation internally and externally (within law enforcement). In addition, the study highlights the necessity for additional research on the success rate of adopting diversion and building a new legal culture in society that promotes diversion as a method for resolving criminal cases involving children. This is a necessity brought to light by the study’s findings. This research may provide valuable insights into the advantages and disadvantages of the system already in place.
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