innovative ADR for resolving administrative disputes outside the court from the perspective of Lawrence M. Friedman’s legal system theory
Indonesia, E-Musyawarah, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Administrative Dispute Resolution, Legal System Theory, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in LawAbstract
The continuous development of administrative disputes has highlighted the need for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve administrative disputes outside the court. The concept of E-Musyawarah represents a form of ADR that offers new legal perspectives. The data collection method used in this research is secondary data obtained through library research, with the theoretical approach used being the legal system theory by Friedman. The concept of E-Musyawarah as an ADR for resolving administrative disputes outside the court reflects the trend of information and communication technology being used to facilitate dispute resolution outside the judiciary. The resolution of E-Musyawarah is agreed upon with electronic signatures registered in the E-Court to have the same legal standing as decisions by the Administrative Court. This concept is accompanied by the legal system theory by Lawrence M. Friedman. The legal challenge faced by the concept of E-Musyawarah as ADR for resolving administrative disputes outside the court is legal equality.
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