Affection in methods of dispute resolution


  • Celia Caiuby
  • Andrea Maia


Affection, Decision-Making, Suitability, Methods of Dispute Resolution


The article discusses affection in its philosophical aspect, proposing a rational reflection on the individual perceptions of each party involved in a conflict, in order to analyze how this affection influences the methods of dispute resolution. It assesses the changes in world view from the perspective of Thomas S. Kuhn, in which the visions and world views change according to the society that inhabits the world at that time, with the world being understood as the material universe that has always been the same. It goes on to consider how beliefs and imaginative capacity were instrumental in the formation of human society and how emotions influence decision-making. In considering decision-making as a more emotional rather than rational process, the article goes on to address the relationship between affection and methods of dispute resolution, alluding to the identification regimes proposed by Vladimir Safatle and fear as political affection, which is capable of causing paranoid as well as violence and risk-averse social behaviors, in order to correlate this whole context with the importance of suitability of the conflict to the environment/method of dispute resolution for the efficiency of the negotiations.

Author Biographies

Celia Caiuby

Advogada colaborativa, mestranda em Soluções Alternativas de Controvérsias Empresariais pela Escola Paulista de Direito, Vice-Presidente da Comissão de Práticas Colaborativas da OAB/RJ; membro da Comissão de Práticas Colaborativas da OAB/ SP e da Comissão de Família e Tecnologia do Instituto Brasileiro de Direito de Família (IBDFAM), coordenadora da Comissão de Tecnologia e Inovação do Instituto Brasileiro de Práticas Colaborativas (IBPC), membro da International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) e Research Specialist na Future Law. Endereço: Rua Casa do Ator, nº 435, apartamento 112, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo, CEP:04546-001, telefone: (21) 98106.0909.

Andrea Maia

Advogada, Mediadora , fundadora da Mediar360 e Vice-Presidente de Mediação do CBMA, especialista em Direito Empresarial. Mediadora Certificada pelo CAO – Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman – braço independente de resolução de controvérsias do Banco Mundial. Membro do Painel Global do CPR – International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution. Membro do Conselho fiscal da AB2L – Associação Brasileira de Lawtechs e Legaltechs. Vice-Presidente de Mediação da Comissão de Designação de Mediadores da CIAM – Centro Internacional de Arbitraje de Madrid. Presidente do Comitê de Mediação da “International Bar Association” no biênio 2017-2018.Endereço: Rua Hélio Seelinger 155, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, CEP: 22640-040, telefone: (21) 98778.3698.




